Is it true that red eye pain can be transmitted from gaze? Check the Facts Here!
Many say that eye pain and red eyes can be transmitted through gaze. Eye pain that is usually characterized by red eyes and vision function does not decrease, such as conjunctivitis is often mentioned can be contagious if it deals directly with the sufferer. So, is it true that eye pain is transmitted through gaze? Check out the answer here.
Generally, red eye and eye pain are signs of conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is a condition when there is inflammation or infection of the transparent membrane (conjunctiva) that lines the eyelid and covers the white part of the eyeball. That is why, when there is inflammation of the blood vessels in the conjunctiva, the eyes turn red.
This eye infection can be caused by various things, such as viruses, bacteria, allergies, to the entry of foreign substances into the eye. But the thing to remember, it does not mean you have to stay away from people with eye pain. The reason, red eye pain is not transmitted directly from eye contact with patients, but comes from personal hygiene that is less awake.
An ophthalmologist and retinal surgeon at PGI Cikini Hospital, Dr. Gilbert WS Simanjuntak, Sp.M (K) said that in fact the key to eye and body health is cleanliness, if it is true that eye pain is transmitted through vision, it should often be exposed because it is dealing directly with eye patients.
This is confirmed by the statement from Dr. Jill Swartz, a doctor at GoHealth Urgent Care, who stated that eye pain is contagious because people with eye pain touch their own eyes, then come in contact with other people. As a result there is a viral or bacterial infection that will quickly move to other people, as reported by Live Science.
How to prevent transmission of red eye pain?
Because red eye transmission is caused by lack of personal hygiene, so the right prevention method must also involve aspects of hygiene, such as:- Do not touch the eyes using your hands directly, let alone rub them, you should use clean tissue or handkerchief
- Avoid sharing personal items, such as bath towels with other people
- For sufferers of red eye, you should first get rid of cosmetic products especially those that can come in contact with the eyes
- Always wash your hands before and after handling something because when holding something does not rule out the possibility of hands will be exposed to so many viruses and bacteria
- Avoid sharing cosmetics, contact lenses, or your personal eye care items
- Always remove contact lenses at night and follow the instructions for using lens cleanliness
- Try to always maintain the cleanliness of glasses
- Always use swimming goggles every time you swim and you should not swim first if you have an eye infection.
What is the right treatment if you experience red eye pain?
About half of patients with conjunctiva can recover within a period of two weeks without medical treatment. Usually, the doctor will only prescribe eye drops that contain decongestants or antihistamines to relieve irritation and swelling.Treatment with eye drops The
use of antibiotics, according to Medical News Today, cannot really cure red eye if the cause comes from a viral infection, even if the cause is bacterial then treatment with antibiotics will take up to one month. Some studies show that only 1 in 10 sufferers can recover with antibiotics.
More general treatment is given, eye drops containing antihistamines. However, in some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed if the symptoms are severe or have been going on for more than two weeks.
The dose of eye drops depends on the type. In addition to eye drops, ointments are also commonly used if conjunctival eye pain occurs in infants and children. It is important to know, some people's vision can become blurry after using eye drops. That is why, make sure you do not plan to do things that endanger yourself and others after doing this treatment.
Self care
In addition to routinely using a prescription from a doctor, it should also be accompanied by self-care to relieve symptoms and speed recovery, namely:- Avoid contact lenses for a while, at least until antibiotic treatment is completed about 24 hours later. If you want to use contact lenses again, you should discard and replace the lens, as well as washing water
- Use a handkerchief or a small towel soaked in warm water can help compress the eyes to reduce itching and eye irritation. Do it several times a day and rub it gently on closed eyes
- Routine hand washing can help prevent the spread of infection
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