Many types of allergies are seen nowadays. Of these, the allergies which cause the most problems are eye and nose allergies. When a person's 'immune system' or immune system comes in contact with almost harmless substances present in the environment, there is an allergic problem. Such problems are even greater in urban environments.
Allergic inflammation is found throughout the nasal passages of people with nasal allergies. This is due to exposure to allergens such as dust and pollen particles.

Types of nasal allergies
Nasal allergies are mainly of two types. The first season, which occurs only during a particular time of the year and the second perennial, which runs throughout the year. Both types of allergy have similar symptoms.
- Seasonal allergy is also commonly called hay fever. This happens only during a particular time of the year. Pollen particles of grass and algae that are seasonal are common causes of such allergies.
- Symptoms of nose perennial allergy do not change with the seasons. The reason for this is that the things that you are allergic to, stay throughout the year.
People who have an allergic problem should practice Kapalbhati continuously and increase its duration as much as possible. Three to four months of practice can relieve you from allergies. These include: cockroaches, pet dander and mole spores. In addition, very small parasites found in homes can also cause allergy. Every person who cleans the house knows that there is no dust season. The good thing is that you can control the ever-present nasal allergy by avoiding these causes of allergies.
- Allergic tendencies can be inherited from you, that is, your family or lineage.
- Prolonged contact with a particular substance can also occur.
- Factors that exacerbate nasal allergies include: exposure to cigarette smoke, very low baby weight at birth, babies being fed more than bottle milk, babies born in a season when pollen in the environment Are more.
Avoiding seasonal allergies:
You cannot eliminate all the things that increase your allergy, but by taking a few steps you can control its symptoms. Also, protection against those allergens are also possible.
- The level of pollen is low during the rainy season, cloudy weather and windless days. Hot, dry and windy weather can increase the symptoms of airborne pollen particles and allergies. So, come out less on such days and keep the windows closed.
- Keep your garden or courtyard properly. Do not let the lawn grass grow more than two inches. Bright and colorful flowers are best, as they produce pollen particles that are not allergic.
Avoidance of perennial allergies:
If you suffer from allergies throughout the year, then your home or office can be blamed for it. The best way to reduce allergy symptoms is to keep your home and office clean.
For this, clearing the dust of home and office once a week is a good step, but it is not enough for people suffering from allergies. It may be that despite being a clean place, the allergen-causing elements have not been cleaned from there. Some additional steps need to be taken to make the home a better place for people suffering from nasal allergies.
- Pay special attention to the cleanliness of carpet and padded furniture.
- Use such mattresses and pillow covers that are not affected by allergens.
- Wash your bed every week. This will relieve allergy-causing substances on the sheets and pillow covers. It would be good if they are washed in hot water and then dried in a hot dryer.
- When you go outside, pollen particles stick to your shoes. So before coming from outside, wipe the feet or remove the shoes.
- Keep your doors and windows closed, especially on days when pollen is high.
Treating allergies There are three ways to treat
nasal allergy:
- The best way is rescue. The reasons why you have increased symptoms of allergy, you should stay away from them.
- Medications that you use to prevent and treat symptoms.
- Immunotherapy - In this, the patient is injected, which reduces his sensitivity to allergens.
You should not ignore nasal allergies. If left untreated, it can cause sinus, larynx, ear and stomach problems.
In addition to the main method of treatment for such conditions, alternative methods are also used. As far as yoga is concerned, Sadguru says that the practice of Kapalbhati daily benefits the allergy patients a lot.
Kapalbhati is a panacea for allergies
"I know many people who have ruined their entire system in trying to cure their sinuses. For this, you just have to practice Kapalbhati continuously for one or two months, your sinus will be completely gone. If you do it correctly, then you will get relief from every disease related to cold and cold.
People who have an allergic problem should practice Kapalbhati continuously and increase its duration as much as possible. Three to four months of practice can relieve you from allergies. There may be some exceptions, but most people have benefited from it.
Grind 10 to 12 black pepper. Soak them in two spoons of honey overnight. Eat it in the morning and chew black pepper. If turmeric is mixed with honey, it is also good. If you stay away from all dairy products then the sputum will decrease on its own. People who have not got any rest, they should avoid the things that they are allergic to and stay for some time. Continue, so that it starts working properly. Their action may not be very effective due to allergies.
If the nasal passage is not fully open and there is a lot of mucus, then the action may not be completely effective. If practiced properly, you can get rid of allergies on your own. The winter weather will not bother you again. Not only winter, summer also will not cause much trouble to you. When you have air-condition within you, summer and winter will not bother you too much.
Keeping the nasal passages clean and breathing properly is a very important process. People of modern society have forgotten it. They feel that no matter how to go, just let the air go in, that's enough. It's not like this. Clean nasal cavity and healthy way of breathing are of great importance. If Kapalbhati is practiced thoroughly then the excess mucus i.e. phlegm will also be gone. Initially, you do Kapalbhati 50 times. After this, gradually increase it 10 to 15 times daily. If you want, you can increase its number to one thousand as well. There are also people who also perform 500, 1000 or 1500 Kapalbhati. By practicing, there will be a time when there will be no extra mucus and your nasal cavity will always be clean. ”- Sadhguru
Some home remedies
People who have cold diseases and get their nose shut every morning, they should consume neem, black pepper, honey and turmeric. This will benefit them greatly.
- For this, make a paste by grinding neem leaves. Make a small pill from this paste, soak it in honey and swallow it every morning on an empty stomach. Do not eat anything for the next one hour, so that neem can have an effect on your body. This method benefits all types of allergies, be it skin allergies, food allergies or anything else. This practice should always be done. There is no harm with this. Neem has tremendous medicinal properties. If bitterness is felt then use soft neem leaves, otherwise any green and fresh leaf is fine.
- Grind 10 to 12 black pepper. Soak them in two spoons of honey overnight. Eat it in the morning and chew black pepper. If turmeric is mixed with honey, it is also good. If you stay away from all dairy products then the mucus will decrease on its own.

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